Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What is popular culture Persuasive Essay Example For Students

What is popular culture? Persuasive Essay Popular culture this way is the (authentic) culture of the people, such us folk culture. But also creates problems. Who qualifies for inclusion in the category the people and it evades the commercial nature of much of the resources from which the culture is made. (Storey, 1998, p. 8) A fifth definition of popular culture, is one which draws on the political analysis of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci , issue the term hegemony to refer to the way in which dominant groups in society, through a process of intellectual and moral leadership seek to win the consent of the subordinate groups in society. We will write a custom essay on What is popular culture? Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The balance between the incorporation, higher groups in our society which force the subordinate groups and the resistance of the last, is popular culture. This works in what Gramsci calls compromise equilibrium. As Bannet explains:the field of popular culture is structured by the attempt of ruling class to win hegemony and by forms of opposition to the endeavour. In neo-Gramscian theory, there is one more approach of popular culture, which suggests that theory of popular culture is contested site for political constructions of the people and their relation to the power bloc'. The people are explained as a variety of social groups from various classes, which are distinguished by the economically and politically powerful groups. Because this is to make popular culture sound too much political we can consider Fiskes argument that popular culture is what people make from the products of the culture industries. (Storey, 1998, p. 11-12) A sixth definition of popular culture is post-modern culture, which no longer recognizes the distinction between high culture and popular culture. For some, this provides a reason to celebrate the end of the elite view built on arbitrary distinctions of culture (high culture as trashy and worthless). In this respect all cultures are equally worth. For others, it is a reason to despair at the final victor of commerce over culture, as authentic culture becomes co modified and commercialized. Popular culture is connected to urbanization and industrialization. Its connected to a capitalist market economy and involved a separation between the classes based on economies (who controls the culture industries and who gives them the economic power). Popular culture is hard to pine down or define. When we talk about popular culture, what we are defining is in relation to mass culture, working class culture, folk culture etc. popular culture should be considered as part of culture in general, and it should not be looked upon as inferior.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

leviathon essays

leviathon essays Liberty is the natural rights of all mankind. It was even created even before our time. Since we have so much freedom, we are in jeopardy by one another due to the fact that we threaten ones will. Competition, aggression, and warfare are always taken place for existence and self-preservation. This is the worse of human nature. We are always striving for peace and serenity, and we do everything that it takes to achieve security for oneself. We all want liberty, but in reality, there is barely any liberty here. As for an example, if a living aquatic animal was to reside all his life in water, it is restrained within the contour boundaries that separates land from water. However, in order to live peacefully without fear, we tend to give up our natural rights to attain our true liberty. Hobbes defines liberty in a different sense. He believes liberty minus all the things that you have to sacrifice in order to obtain true liberty. In other words, we have to surrender certain natural rights to achieve peace and harmony with oneself. He believes each individual can be threatened by one another causing them to be in a state of war. All subjects are willing to go any distance to preserve their own life. Since there are limited resources, each form could possibly desire the same object that will give him the power to continue his existence, resulting warfare in obtaining those objects will be a characteristic of the natural state of man. He believes warfare will be continual as long as seeking of power is continual, which leads to constant fear. In the state of nature, there is always competition, aggression, and warfare; therefore, there is no peace, harmony, and equality. Thus, this force the individuals to form a social contract with the sovereign. They are basically transferring their rights to the government to provide them with security and felicity. However, when entering a contract with the sovereign, th ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No fault divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No fault divorce - Essay Example It does not however mean that the repeal or reform of no-fault divorce will effectively reduce the rate of divorce generally. Indeed, at this moment in time, I really want to believe that at this moment in time a fault requirement would do more harm than good. In the short term, the need to establish a legal finding of fault may prevent some divorces from happening, and encourage couples that are contemplating divorce to work out their marital difficulties. But the deterrent effect is likely to be weak. A lot of people do not think of divorce until their marriage is in very bad shape; by which time, the marriage will be very difficult to salvage. Moreover, the fault requirement would also be indiscriminate in its deterrent effect. Some marriages especially those that involve physical violence and abuse that rightfully should end will be preserved. Unfortunately, fault is likely to be most successful in deterring socially isolated women, often-battered wives, from seeking divorce. It would be wrong indeed if a pro-marriage policy unintentionally became a pro-bad-marriage policy, giving aid and comfort to the critics of the institution. Fault law invites unending litigation, and thus intensifies and prolongs conflict. Requiring fault would be bound to hurt the children (if there are any) who will be caught in the middle. On thing we should have learned from thirty years of high divorce, is that: When divorcing parents have legal incentives to fight, they will. And fault gives them yet another incentive. Inevitably, children will be recruited as informants and witnesses in the legal battle to establish fault. The faultfinding may also be exploited to prejudice or interfere with the child's attachment to the parent who is at fault. Of course, this ugly practice of blaming and discrediting the other parent goes on under no-fault divorce law, but fault will provide legal justification for such behavior. Moreover, establishing fault in contested cases would require more aggressive and time-consuming litigation and thus more billable hours from lawyers, therapists, private investigators, pension specialists, expert witne sses, and all the others in the divorce industry. This will create financial constraints and burdens for those who can least afford it. The Ivana Trumps of this world may have the resources to fight a protracted fault battle (and to win some of its spoils) but not the average first wife, especially if she has spent her life as a full-time wife and homemaker. Since most legislation limits fault to contested divorces involving children, children are likely to be the biggest economic losers. Marital assets will be squandered and dissipated in fault battles, leaving fewer resources for the maintenance and care of the children after the divorce. Some proponents of fault argue for higher barriers to divorce, as this in their reasoning will increase commitment to marriage. They say the harder it is to get divorce, the more couples will try to maintain their marriages right from the beginning. This argument seems appealing viewing it on the surface, but it is not so persuasive when viewed c ritically, especially when we consider those that will be most heavily influenced by the reintroduction of fault: the young adults approaching marriage for the first time. Today's young adults, many of who are products of divorced marriages, are more ignorant and wary of marriage than the earlier